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ALM School for Credit Unions

The Baker Asset/Liability Management School gives attendees the knowledge to better understand the fundamentals of asset/liability management, interest rate risk management, and the ALCO process.

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Baker ALM School
April 24–25, 2025

Oklahoma City, OK
Lively Hotel on Oak
Cost: $595

The Baker Group pioneered Asset/Liability Management (ALM) more than forty years ago when we developed the first computer based ALM program designed specifically for community banks. Since then, we have spent four decades educating financial institutions how to effectively use ALM strategies to manage risk and maximize performance. The Baker Group has presented hundreds of seminars and conferences across the country and now we have brought that history of educational experience to an Asset/Liability Management School designed specifically for members of the ALCO and those needing to learn the fundamentals of ALM. The Baker ALM School will give attendees the knowledge to better understand the “who, what, why, and how” of ALM and the ALCO process.

What You Will Learn

  • Fundamentals of asset/liability management including what it is and why we do it
  • Understanding the impact of the economy, monetary policy, and interest rates on the earnings and capital of the institution
  • Regulatory expectations to ensure you are always in compliance with the latest guidance and prepared for your next exam
  • Best practices for developing an effective ALCO process including appropriate policies, procedures, and risk limits
  • Practical methodologies and recommendations for how to develop assumptions that are institution specific and regularly reviewed, stress-tested, and back-tested
  • Review of the most important assumptions available in most models and which ones have the greatest impact on outcomes including:
    – Betas, rate sensitivities, and lags
    – Decay rates, NMD average lives, and maturity distributions
    – Discount rates and reinvestment rates
    – Prepayment rates
    – Rate scenarios including instantaneous vs. ramped and parallel vs. non-parallel
  • Risk mitigation strategies for managing interest rate risk
  • Incorporating investment portfolio management into asset/liability management
  • How to develop an effective liquidity risk management process including forward looking dynamic cash flow modeling, stress testing, and contingency funding plans

Who Should Attend

This school is designed for Presidents, CEOs, CFOs, and members of the ALCO committee. Directors and anyone else involved in the asset/liability management process will also benefit from the Baker ALM School.

Call Skoshi Heron at 888.990.0010 for more information.


Thursday, April 24

Time Agenda
7:30 am Breakfast
8:30 am Program
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Program
4:30 pm Adjourn
6:00 pm Dinner

Friday, April 25

Time Agenda
7:30 am Breakfast
8:30 am Program
12:00 pm Conclusion


A block of rooms is available at the Lively Hotel on Oak. Identify yourself as a Baker ALM School attendee when calling 405.849.4777. The special room rate will be available until the room block is sold out. Hotel price: $179 + tax.

Lively Hotel on Oak
5101 N Pennsylvania Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Hotel price: Deluxe $179 + tax

Course Format
Group live program.

Knowledge Level
The level of learning for this seminar is intermediate.

Basic knowledge of finance and banking is recommended.

Advanced Preparation

CPE Credits

11 hours of Economics and Finance CPE credits will be earned for your attendance.

Logo for the National Registry of CPE SponsorsThe Baker Group is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

After completing this seminar, you will be able to:

  • Identify Key Balance Sheet Trends that Relate to Interest Rate Risk
  • Answer Questions About Regulatory Requirements for Interest Rate Risk Reporting
  • Recognize the Difference Between Earnings at Risk and Capital at Risk
  • Explain the Relationship Between Price Risk and Cash Flow Volatility in Bond Portfolios
  • Measure and Assess Relative Value Between and Among Bonds


Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received by March 24, 2025 are eligible for a full refund. For questions, please contact Skoshi Heron at 888.990.0010.

1601 NW Expressway, 21st Floor
Oklahoma City, OK 73118

Phone: 405.415.7200
Toll-Free: 800.937.2257
Fax: 405.415.7392

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